Control the reinforcement, control the dog
Does your dog do what you ask, or what [...]
Does your dog do what you ask, or what [...]
Contain your dog in the car. One of [...]
Before you even crack the cover, “Fuzz: When Nature Breaks [...]
Puppies bite. But consequences drive behavior. When you understand why your puppy is biting you can solve the problem humanely. No harsh corrections required.
Tired of getting completely different dog training suggestions and advice [...]
Training should make everyone smile. Positive reinforcement, balanced, [...]
So you have a dog that hasn’t read the canine code - must love all people and other dogs. Maybe he's shy, or perhaps he's fearful. What do you do about it?
That puppy you brought home last summer who has had constant company and endless walks is going to be facing a disappointing turn of events fairly soon. Now is the time to start considering what becomes of Fido when camps and then schools return to in-person and you’re no longer working from home.
Why dogs bark and how to change the behavior is more complicated and requires considering how the vocalization sounds and the context in which it occurs.
Jumping is an absolutely normal way for excited puppies to want to greet their friends and families. So what can you do about it?