Businesses are reopening and everyday it seems we are beginning to edge back towards a pre-Covid “normal”. Netflix and athleisure clothing aren’t the only things that will miss us when we start working away from home again. That puppy you brought home last summer who has had constant company and endless walks is going to be facing a disappointing turn of events fairly soon. Now is the time to start considering what becomes of Fido when camps and then schools return to in-person and you’re no longer working from home.

First thing to consider is whether your pup is comfortable spending any time by himself. If he/she starts crying the moment you leave the room and/or has been known to cause substantial destruction when left alone then starting with some independence training is going to be a good place to begin. Suggestions for helping pup become comfortable with being left alone will be the subject of a later article.
If your pup is crate-trained and you know that he/she will be fine for a few hours, the next thing to consider is whether you are comfortable hiring someone to come to your house and either walk Fido from there or perhaps take him out for an excursion with other compatible dogs. When it comes to pet services, not all providers are created equally. Do your homework. Is the person/company you’re considering insured? How do they assess the compatibility of dogs they take out together? Do they practice positive reinforcement or are they quick to correct the dog for undesired behavior? As with all things, quality typically comes at a price.
If your pup requires more time with human and canine company than a visiting dog walker can provide, daycare or doggie school is another alternative. Again, make sure you’ve visited the facility, met the staff, and established how the dog’s day will be structured. Ideally pups should be split into compatible groups by size and play style and there should be at least 1 attendant for every 5 to 10 dogs. It should go without saying that the facility should be clean, fencing should be secure and are there toys and equipment with which the dogs can interact? Is there any downtime for the dogs or is it play all day?
It’s going to be an adjustment for many of us to return to a 9 to 5 office routine. Taking a little time now to consider your pup’s new daily schedule is going to make it much easier for him/her when you’re no longer spending the working day at home. As for pup’s people, perhaps it would be worthwhile to try walking in high heels again, or seeing if you remember how to tie your necktie.