Building Impulse Control: Teach “Leave It” starting with Puppy Zen

Teach your pup how to be “zen”
At Mountainside Mutts, we believe in teaching impulse control as a foundational skill. The core idea is simple: your dog learns that they can’t just grab whatever they want. Instead, they learn to pause, focus, and make better choices. This is where Puppy Zen comes in.
Why Management Matters
When it comes to impulse control, prevention is key. If your dog has a history of helping themselves to whatever catches their eye, it’s much harder to train them out of the habit. That’s why managing your dog’s environment—limiting their opportunities to rehearse unwanted behaviors—is crucial.
The Basics of Puppy Zen
Puppy Zen is the foundation for teaching “Leave it.” Here’s how it works:
- Start Small: Present a treat in a closed fist. Reward your pup for not trying to take it.
- Gradually Increase the Challenge: Progress to an open hand, then food on the floor, and eventually higher-value distractions like dropped food.
- Reward Success: Always reward your dog for making the right choice. The reward should be something they genuinely enjoy.
If your pup struggles, the distraction might be too tempting or too close. Adjust the environment to make the task easier—move farther from the distraction or use a lower-value item.
The Importance of a Calm Mindset
A dog that’s worried, overstimulated, or distracted won’t be able to focus on training. Before working on “Leave it,” ensure your dog is in a relaxed, focused state. This comes down to building trust. When your dog feels safe and confident, they’ll be more likely to engage with you.
Building on Success
Once your dog masters “Leave it” in low-distraction environments, you can gradually increase the difficulty. This process takes:
- Time
- Consistency
- Creative Problem-Solving
If progress slows, consider using the Premack Principle, which rewards your dog with something they value more than the distraction. For example, if your dog comes when called during playtime, reward them by letting them return to play. This way, your dog learns that listening to you leads to good things.
Attention is Everything

Pay attention to your dog if you want your dog to pay attention to you
Attention is the foundation for all training. Does your dog keep an eye on you, even when there’s a lot going on? Building this connection makes training easier and more enjoyable.
Here’s how to nurture attention:
- Start in low-distraction environments.
- Gradually increase the level of distraction.
- Use reinforcement-based training to make yourself fun and engaging.
Consistency is key. If you’re not paying attention to your dog, don’t expect them to pay attention to you. For example, if you let your dog off-leash at the park as soon as you open the car door, you’re teaching them that they don’t need to check in with you. Instead, use Premack: ask for attention or engagement before letting them off-leash. Repeat this throughout your park visit, rewarding your dog for staying connected with you.
Beyond Food Rewards
In highly challenging situations, food rewards may not be enough. For example, no treat could have stopped my dogs from chasing a deer. But through consistent training, building trust, and making myself fun and engaging, I taught them to come back to me—even when faced with high-level distractions.
This was achieved by:
- Rewarding them with opportunities to sniff, hunt, or dig after coming when called.
- Strengthening their overall desire to stay connected with me through games and positive experiences.
Recommended Reading
For more insights on building attention, check out When Pigs Fly by Jane Killion. It’s a fantastic resource for learning how to create a stronger bond with your dog through training.
Final Thoughts
Teaching “Leave it” isn’t just about using higher-value rewards; it’s about creating a relationship where your dog wants to work with you because they trust you and find training rewarding. By building impulse control, nurturing attention, and using reinforcement-based methods, you’ll help your dog succeed in any situation—no matter how tempting the distraction!