Smiling retriever puppyBringing a new puppy home is an exciting adventure, and we’re thrilled to be a part of your training journey. Before we dive in, let’s set the stage for success. Remember, your adorable new puppy is not just a baby—they’re a baby of a different species entirely. They are a dog, and if you want them to behave more like a well-mannered family member than a dog, you’ll need to invest time and consistency in teaching them what you expect. All ethical behavior change takes time.

How to find the right dog trainer

At Mountainside Mutts, we’re dedicated to humane, modern training methods. Just as it takes time to develop your skills, it will take time for your puppy to learn what you’re teaching. When you feel frustrated, ask yourself how long it takes you to master something new. Are you expecting more from your puppy?

Teaching manners and changing behaviors doesn’t need these devices.

While some trainers in Rutland may focus on “stopping” or correcting unwanted behaviors, we take a different approach. The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior has stated that punitive methods can be harmful, both physically and mentally, to your dog. Punishing a puppy for simply doing what comes naturally not only risks damaging your relationship with them but can also teach them that humans aren’t to be trusted. There is clear evidence that kinder, more effective training methods yield better results. We’re here to teach you these techniques and help you put them into practice. I your goal is to “show the dog who’s boss” or simply “stop” behaviors without considering the underlying reasons, we might not be the right fit for you. Embracing new methods can be challenging, but just because something has always been done a certain way doesn’t make it right. The world needs more kindness and compassion, and so do our dogs.

When bringing a new puppy or young dog into your home, setting boundaries from the beginning is crucial. Giving your puppy too much freedom too soon often leads to unwanted behavior and frustration.

Here are our suggestions for starting your training journey on the right foot:

  • Potty Training: Take your puppy on a leash to the spot you want them to use for elimination, and reward them when they go in the right place. Keep a log of their bathroom habits, and make sure to take them out regularly. Consistency is key; reprimanding for accidents will only slow down the process.
  • Crate Training/Independence Training: Ensure your puppy has a safe space when you can’t supervise them. Don’t give them too much freedom too soon. Teach them how to self-soothe and spend time alone comfortably.
  • Positive Reinforcement Training: Avoid using aversive methods such as prong, shock, or choke collars. These tools can cause harm and have no place in puppy training. Instead, focus on reinforcing good behavior with rewards.
  • Foundation Behaviors: Start with basics like “attention,” “sit,” and teaching your puppy their name.
  • Engagement: If you want your puppy to pay attention to you, make sure you’re paying attention to them as well.
  • Have Fun: Learning is more effective when it’s enjoyable. This goes for both you and your puppy!
  • Be Kind to Yourself: Puppies are hard work, which is why they’re so irresistibly cute! Remember to breathe and be patient with yourself and your puppy.
  • Change Requires Effort: If you’re unhappy with your puppy’s behavior, remember that change starts with you. The saying “insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results” applies here. Reinforce the behaviors you want to see.
  • Find Support: Work with a professional dog trainer who will be compassionate toward both you and your puppy. Join a positive reinforcement-based group class to learn how to communicate effectively with your dog and help them understand that paying attention to you is always the best choice, even when other dogs are around.
dog paw and human hands patty cake

We’re here to help you train your new dog cooperatively and with compassion.

At Mountainside Mutts, we’re here to support you in training your dog without force, intimidation, or aversive tools. If this approach resonates with you, consider enrolling in our Puppy Start Right or Basic Manners group classes. We also offer private coaching for more personalized guidance. You can register for classes online here or reach out to us with any questions at

Happy Training!